The present is worth being awake for

Books, favorite, Habits, Mindfulness blog post, Podcast Abstracts

Episode 13: The Power of Environmental Design and Latent Potential

We’re three weeks into the new year! If you’re like us, the struggle is real – our motivation is starting to wane and we need every tool in our arsenal to keep up our momentum. That’s where this episode comes in! In our final episode covering reflections and thoughts related to James Clear’s book, Atomic Habits, we dive into the concepts of environmental design, the valley of despair, and latent potential.


These are key concepts for sustaining the habits we want. Environmental design is all about how to create an environment that fosters the habits we want. Our discussion about the valley of despair and latent potential help set realistic expectations so that we aren’t discouraged by what may feel like a lack of progress at the moment. It’s important to keep perspective and remember the long term gains you’ll see if you put in the work today.

Whether you’re off to a running start or you’re already struggling to sustain your New Year’s resolutions like we are, this is a great episode to help us all get back on track with building a system of good habits until it becomes our identity!


Join us for Episode 13

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